Monday, January 1, 2018

Resolutions, Smesolutions

It is a new year and people are going around, creating resolutions of how they will improve themselves, make themselves better people, et cetera, et cetera.  I have decided that I do not like this particular practice.  Don't get me wrong, I am not against someone wanting to improve themselves for the better but don't do it just because the year has changed.

If you are going to change, don't wait for the new year to do so.  Do it the day that you think about it.  And don't give up if you fail to make it.  Change takes work.  You try, you fail, you try, you fail.  Use each failure as a reminder of how you can do better the next time.  You are changing yourself just by trying.  As we tell children, keep trying until you succeed.

And while you are trying to change yourself for the better, remember to continue with the things that make you a good person.  Continue to be kind to others, give love to those that need it, offer friendship to new people.

So, with this in mind, I will make no resolutions today.  I will remind myself to keep up with and improve my writing.  I will remind myself to keep making a difference in my students' minds & continue to help them become better people.  I will remind myself to continue to be a great friend and loving wife.  I will remind myself to continue being the best version of myself every day.

(Photo from:

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