Wednesday, January 17, 2018

For the Love Of...

(Prompt 296 from my 300 prompt writing journal)

The prompt was "What is your favorite physical aspect of your partner?  If you are single, describe something you like about your crush or your fantasy celebrity date."

This is a difficult one.  I do have a lot of things that I love about my husband Lee but if I hand to pick just one physical aspect, it would have to be his hands.  I love to hold them.  I love the strength in them, especially when he gives me a foot rub.  Sometimes, when we hold hands, I'll absentmindedly rub my thumb over the back of his thumb or the back of his hand (which drives him nuts from time to time).   Not sure why I do it.  But his hands are wonderful.

Side note: Don't get me wrong, I do love other physical aspects i.e. eyes, lips, smile, butt (staying PG here)

(Photo from:

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