Friday, January 19, 2018

So Bored I Could Die

So I am currently working with my students on figurative language and we are on hyperbole.  For those that don't know or can't remember what a hyperbole is, it is the use of a gross exaggeration to descibe something that could never happen in real life.  A great and very common example that has been heard being uttered by many teens is "I'm so bored that I could die".

This type of figuative language can be a lot of fun to write and my students are really enjoying themselves. They are currently writing their own entry of a believe it or not style hyperbole.  It has to answer the 5W+H questions but it can be about whatever they want.  My plan is to create a little booklet with all of their entries and they even said they wanted to have mine in it too.  Here is my example:

The Amazing Car Meal

Joboo Johosaphat*, long time resident of Slipped Disk, NE decided that he was tired of all the cars in his driveway.  So he came up with an unusual way to get rid of them.  Starting at 5am with six cans of pasta sauce and a steak knife, he began to cut up and eat the cars.

He started with the VW Bug and went on to the pickiup truck, dousing with pasta sauce for extra flavor.  He ended his car feast with a Vespa scooter.  When asked how he was feeling, Joboo said, "Full and satisfied".

(*Not based on an actual person)

(Picture from:

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