Saturday, April 21, 2018

Enough is Enough

I saw something today that angered me and I just needed to vent.  It frustrates me to see happy news from people who say they love & care for me in social media for the whole world to see but couldn't be bothered to text me the news, let alone call me.  I'm not asking for a call every time a happy or sad event happens, but major events would be appreciated, i.e. engagement, birth of a kid, death of a mutual family member, etc.  You ask me to call but you never return the courtesy.  It is all on me to make the effort to stay connected but yet the street goes both way.  I can't be expected to do all the work.

And keeping contact with family is work, especially if there is distance between members.  Call, text, hell even write a freaking letter!  I'm not saying that it has to happen every week but more than once a year would be nice.  Don't use the excuse either of that you are too busy.  Both of us have lives and things that we need  to do, but again I state, contact between loved ones takes effort of both parties parts, not just one.

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