Sunday, April 1, 2018

Adventures In Friendship: Day 2

So the day started out good. I made deviled eggs and my death by chocolate pie for a late lunch/ early dinner at my mother in-law's house and had a very nice chat with Marie. We all enjoyed the food at my mother in-law's and as dinner was wrapping up, it started to snow! It's the first day of April and we get freaking snow!  I've said it before and I'll say it again. People need to stop messing with Mother Nature's meds.

Anyways, it kept snowing as we left. It got thicker when we stopped for a visit with some of Marie's family and short visit with a few of my friends. By the time we headed home, the roads were slick and rather slushy. We counted three cars in the ditch and three other cars driving without their headlights on (idiots) but we made it back to our home safe and sound.

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