Monday, February 26, 2018

Never Will I Ever

In no particular order, a list of 25 things I will NEVER do:

  1.  Go sky diving (Why jump out of a perfectly good airplane?)
  2. Tattoo my face (I like tattoos, just not on the face.  Too much of a distraction.)
  3. Get piercings anywhere on my body (already have 2 in each ear and no more for me)
  4.  Cheat on my husband (I'm loyal.)
  5. Kill animals for fun (If it is not for food, it isn't happening.)
  6. Visit Antarctica (Too cold)
  7. Moto Surf (Watch Surf Ninjas to get this reference)
  8. Bungee jump (don't have a fear of heights, just falling from them.)
  9. Own a gun (unless I'm in  a post apocalyptic dystopia)
  10. Own a motorcycle (have enough trouble staying balanced on my own 2 feet)
  11. Walk naked through town (unless you are paying me billions of dollars, up front)
  12. Participate in an orgy (not into group sex)
  13. Do drugs (I'm crazy enough, don't need any more help)
  14. Swim naked in a public pool (in my own, yes)
  15. Participate in a biggest eater challenge (don't want to die of food)
  16. Star in a porn video (just NO)
  17. Disrespect the holy place of any religion (not my style)
  18. Steal a car for fun (I don't look good in orange)
  19. Swim with sharks (unless it is a whale shark since they won't eat me)
  20. Eat raw oysters (Yuck! Plus not a huge fan of seafood)
  21. Go deep sea diving (snorkeling, yes)
  22. Go spelunking (fun word to say though but I'll just stick to the guided cave tours where I just walk around)
  23. Wrestle an alligator (don't want to be lunch)
  24. Lick a cactus (Ouch!)
  25. Assassinate someone (No matter how much they piss me off.  I'll just send them lots of bad energy instead)

Creating this list was a lot harder than you think but it was rather fun :-)

(Prompt #287 out of 300)

(Picture from

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