Thursday, February 15, 2018

Life is a Beach

Now, living in the center of the country, the beach is something that I miss a lot.  I grew up on the West Coast and for several years when I was a kid, we got to go on a camping trip to Pismo Beach.  It was so much fun. We would camp out at this campground that was a short walk from the beach and we'd walk to the beach every day.

One of my favorite memories was digging in the surf and watching the sand crabs dig themselves under the sand before the water came back in.  I also loved throwing cheese balls for the seagulls, getting tons of them to land, then running at them, shouting like an idiot & getting them to fly off.  I got lucky that I was never pooped on during those episodes.

The only real downside was that the sand got everywhere. And nothing is more uncomfortable than walking back to camp with a lot of sand in your bathing suit.  The sunburns weren't a joy either, and being pale, I definitely had some sort of sunburn after a week.

I'm not sure that I would want to live at the beach, but it is sure nice to visit.

(Prompt 288 out of 300: Write about the beach: your favorite memory of a trip, what you love, what you hate (e.g., sand gets everywhere).  Would you live on the coast if you could, or is it better just to visit?)

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