Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Life is a Stage

I did plays my junior and senior year of high school.  I was never in the lead, so in two of the plays I was in, I preformed as two different characters.  It was a lot of fun, especially when it came to picking out our costumes.  Our school was really old and actually had an old bomb shelter under the stage, which is where all the clothing and wigs were stored.  And since I was in a digital art class, I got to design the tickets, programs, and flyers for the show.

I would also learn my lines rather quickly, along with several other people's.  During dress rehearsals, whenever someone yelled, "Line!" I could be often heard yelling the line they needed from the wings, much to the irritation of the director.

(Prompt 289 out of 300: Were you ever involved in a school play as a student?  Did you act, sing, design props, play an instrument, or hold prompt cards?)

(Picture from:,g_4:greek&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjrpaSBiabZAhWp54MKHSj-BBkQ4lYIRCgA&biw=1280&bih=800&dpr=2#imgrc=toEcS7_IfUBpQM:)

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