Tuesday, March 20, 2018

She Sang For Me

When I was seven, my dad died and I went from a private school to a public in the middle of second grade.  I was a smart kid but not the most popular and I had issues with fitting in.  My new teacher was Mrs. Garcia and she made me feel so welcome.  She was great at getting me acclimated and never made me feel bad about not knowing something.

One big moment that sticks out in my mind of her kindness is when we did a play of Jack and the Beanstalk.  I got to play the harp that sings the giant to sleep. A lot of people wanted that part and I felt really lucky to get it.  Sadly, during the performance I got a very bad case of stage fright and couldn't sing.  Mrs. Garcia came to my rescue and sang for me,  I remember that kindness to this day.  I always look back at the love and warmth that she not only showed me but to every student under her care.

So, to Mrs. Garcia, wherever you are, thank you.  You will always have my love and a special place in my heart.

(Prompt 284 out of 300: Write about a teacher of yours who did something noteworthy.)

(Photo from: https://belvedere.sbcusd.com)

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