Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Beginning

 So, I have entered the blogging world.  Why you may ask?  I could give you half a dozen answers to satisfy your curiosity but I won't because I'm not sure if I could come up with believable excuses.  The only one I can actually leave you with is that my writing has become slow, stagnant, which is never a good thing for a writer.

What does a writer do when her writing has slowed to a crawl that even a slug could beat?  She forces herself to write more, even if it is not the manuscript that she should be working on.  But how you ask?  Well, it isn't the easiest thing to do. Writing takes time and ideas, but it also takes practice.  It means working at it every day.  And that is exactly what I plan to do.

In the days to come, new blogs will appear here.  Some of the ones that will be posted will be from a gift that my best friend gave me: a book of 300 writing prompts, all of which will become blog posts at some point, and other posts will be from the deep recesses of my somewhat strange and warped little mind.

I wish to express my thanks to you for joining me on this journey and apologize now for some of the random twists and turns that will definitely happen.


                                          Gabby approves of her mom`s blog adventure.

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