Thursday, October 13, 2022

I'm Alright, Sometimes

 If I chose one word to describe 2022, it would be hell. I have experienced more, mentally and physically this year than I ever have in years past. And I get asked a lot about how I am doing. My response is that I'm alright. Sometimes, I silently add.

I have moments where I feel dumb, that I can't do this on my own, that I don't want to be strong anymore. If my body reflected the state of my mind right now, here is what you would see: bruises, some fresh and some healing
scrapes, raw and bleeding while others are stabbed
eyes, sunken, with tear tracks leading from them

If you see me, please give me a hug. I need them so much. Tell me about things. Please don't ask how I am. I am crawling along, leaving a trail of mental blood and physical tears behind me.

I'm doing alright, sometimes. 

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