Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Ain't I Tasty?

 This week's prompt was a bit of a noodle scratcher. Marie selected "If you were going to design a pizza after yourself, what would be on it and what would each of those ingredients represent?"

Like her, I probably put too much thought into it. What ingredients represent me? My mind went blank. I could not think of clever responses for ingredients that I enjoy on occasion when the craving for pizza strikes. Talking with Lee about the prompt, he made an excellent point about going with one of my all time favorite pizzas: Canadian bacon and pineapple.

I can hear some of the disgust coming from you readers. But hear me out. This was a pizza much beloved during my childhood. And I'm not talking about the ham and pineapple pizza that so often poses as a Canadian bacon & pineapple. Canadian bacon and ham are NOT the same. The meat comes from two different parts of the pig.

 This particular pizza is not loved by all. Neither am I. It is different, a bit quirky, and liked by a select few that can appreciate it. So am I.

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