Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Hooker at Large

As a hooker (another name for a crocheter), I have a tendency always have a bunch of yarn around my house.  Stuff that I've bought with the intention of using for a project that I've never gotten to, remains of projects that have been completed, and skeins that people have given me because "I won't use it.  Danielle is a crocheter, let's give it to her!"  And, as any fellow yarn crafter will tell you, you never throw it away because you'll eventually use it for something down the road.  I am no exception to this either.

So, back in April, I got it into my head that I was going to sort through the yarn that I had, see what was there, and come up with some projects to use up the many  balls that could be found floating around my house.  Boy, was that an interesting experience.

My wonderful yarn hoard

What I thought would take me only about 30 minutes to an hour, ended up taking me around 3 hours to sort.  I will admit, I did get distracted by several skeins that I had forgotten that I had and my dear cat Gabby got it in to her head that she had to "help" me sort. (Her help was sitting in the middle of all of the yarn, watching me move it around the room)  I eventually got it all sorted out into worsted weights, thread, and specialty yarns (chunky, silky, etc).  Holy cow, did I have a lot of it, and sadly not enough to do a major project with one or two colors.

After a couple of weeks and a couple more donations of random skeins, the crocheting gods graced me with inspiration.  I am going to make hats.  My reasoning?  Because hats are fun, they don't take a lot of yarn to create, it will use up a lot of the random skeins, and I can be really creative with them.  And boy, have the creative juices been flowing.  I have several ideas, most of which will be my own designs, that I think will work well & could possibly sell.  If, and this is a very big IF, I manage to get a lot of these hats made, along with a few other things, I am hoping to vend at a fair this fall.  So, wish this hooker good luck as I dive deep into all my skeins and whip out some cool creations.

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