Tuesday, May 24, 2022

From the Ashes

 I stand in a pile of ashes.  Those ashes are all that remain of the life I once knew.  Forces outside of my control have broken my world and burned it to the ground.  And I could do nothing but watch.  

Everything has changed.  I must rebuild and discover who I am again.  Who is the person that I see in the mirror every morning?  What makes her tick?  

Who am I, now that I have to stand alone?  What will I have to face without the strength of the love I once had? Will I be able to survive, to rebuild a stronger haven in which to rest from my trials and tribulations that the world throws at me?  

I am being told that I am strong, that I have done so much to recover in such a short amount of time.  It doesn't seem like it to me.  I am only doing what I need to do in order to make it to the next day.  Maybe that is what makes me strong: doing what I need to do in order for me and Oscar to survive and thrive.

I do not feel like I am in a tunnel of darkness any more, with the full fury of a train baring down upon me.  It feels like I am walking through a forest, at times dense and uncertain, sometimes sunlight streams gently through the canopy.

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