Saturday, April 11, 2020

A New Read

My husband Lee and I are avid readers. It was the topic of our first conversation. With this whole stay at home thing going on, we both have been reading more. For me, I am a big lover of fantasy, sci-fi, and historical fiction. Lee enjoys realistic, modern sci-fi but also enjoys the mysteries of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  We very rarely read the same books, so we thought we would take advantage of the time and read a book that the other has enjoyed.

The book Lee selected for me was "Eaters of the Dead" by Michael Crichton (one of his favorite authors). It was an interesting read and not one that I wanted to put down part way through. It was like reading a tale directly out of Nortic mythology, very matter of factly. No huge embellishments of what was happening, just the fact. I liked how Crichton showed the contrasts between Ibn, a Arab courtier, and the Viking warriors he has to travel with. He still maintains a lot of his sense of self but loses a lot of self righteousness over the men he travels with. He sees the honor & strength of the warriors he fights beside. The book ends with an abrupt stop, like the end of the manuscript is missing. I rather like it because each reader is able to imagine what happens to Ibn after he is able to go home.

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