The soft click of keys tapping out answers, a mouse being clicked to go on to the next question.
The faint scratch of pencil on paper, working out a problem.
The silent & internal struggle of a difficult question crosses a young face.
Glazed eyes stare blankly at a computer screen, not understanding what they see.
Heads hung low with internal conflict, being made to feel stupid by a question they do not understand.
Sobs muffled behind closed lips so as not to disturb the testers around them.
A teacher's heartbreak as a special needs student begs for help that the teacher is prevented by test rules from giving.
Sigh of relief when answers can be submitted & the test ends.
Then the next day, it starts all over again.
Three weeks, almost a full month of learning lost & never to be regained to the monster of high stakes testing.
(Side note: Unfortunately, teacher are prevented from telling parents that they have the right to opt out of standardized testing. Kids don't have to take these high-stakes tests. While some tests are used to help gauge a student's academic level & see where they are struggling, high-stakes testing does not. It also takes away learning time from the students.)
This just makes me sad!!