Monday, November 21, 2016

Observations From A Street Corner

To make a few extra bucks, I took a job as being a crossing guard before and after school.  It is a quiet job with lots of time to people watch.  Here are some things that I've seen since I started.

-The majority of people don't seem to know that it is actually illegal to block an intersection.

-It is possible to drive with just the palm of one hand while holding a cigarette in your fingers and your cell phone in the other.

-A lot of people are very interested in staring at their crotches while waiting at a red light. Either that or they are looking at their cell phones.

-It is not just kids that like the little stuffed animals that you get in the kid's meals at fast food places.  Adults like to use them to decorate the back of the car window with them.

-Being in the driver seat makes you invisible to people, which allows you to pick your nose without judgment.

-Sitting at a red light is a great opportunity to make sure that your make-up is looking good.

-Kids will wave at a person that they know and yell their hellos, even if the window is up.  This will often result in a cringe from the driver.

-Bungee cords are an acceptable way to hold loose parts of your vehicle to the body.

(There might be a part 2,3 and 4 sometime in the future)

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