Wednesday, June 16, 2021

On the Search

 It has been 4 months since my fuzzy daughter Gabby crossed the rainbow bridge. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her. She was the 1st pet my husband & I had together and was a huge part of my heart.

Ever since she passed, I have wanted to tattoo an outline of her actual paw print (major thanks to my vet for helping us get that before she passed). The hard thing about this is trying to find a tattoo artist to do this for me. As an artist myself, I would never ask for discounts for a piece of art done by another. However, it has been harder than what I thought. I can't seem to get a clear cost on what I want & the few quotes I have gotten seem ridiculously high (ex: $100 per hour plus cost of the piece which would be around another $100).

All I wish to do is honor my daughter; a simple outline of her paw print with her name under it. 

My beautiful baby girl