Thursday, June 25, 2020

Exhausted By Life

I am tired. Unlike the tiredness I feel most days, this feels deeper than most. It is as if it is more than just my body that is tired. My brain and my soul feel tired as well. Mere sleep has not made the feeling subside or dissipate in the slightest. The tiredness is more like several steps past exhaustion. I know that work (all three of them) has worn me out but something tells me that it is more than just work. Perhaps it is the state of the world. The hate, the anger, the overall distrust that has been spewing out over the past few years has just been building up, with no relief in sight.

All that I know is I, along with many others, are tired and simply wish a genuine and restorative rest.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

More Chocolate Fun

My bff Marie loves to find random, fun things to send me. The most recent package was split into 2: chocolate in one & a coloring book, markers, and fun craft labels in another. Now, we have been friends for many years and she knows how much I love chocolate & that I am willing to try fun & new combinations. This isn't the first time she has sent me fun chocolate (see the kit kat blog post). This one is from Chuao Chocolatier and it was their chocolate artisan box with eight little chocolates to try.

The flavors

So the first one I tried was the Potato Chip. The saltiness made the milk chocolate taste more like dark chocolate and the little bits of chips made it crunchy.

The Honeycomb one was a dark chocolate bar. Sadly, didn't taste the honeycomb but it did have a bit of a crunch to it.

Firecracker was fun to eat. It was dark chocolate with some chipotle to it, which gave a bit of spice that kicked in when you were almost done eating it. It also had poprocks in it which felt so weird but fun at the same time.

Baconluxious was the next one. It was a milk chocolate one with smoked sea salt & bacon. You could taste the salt but not much of the bacon.

I tried the Salted Chocolate Crunch. According to the label, it has toasted, salted breadcrumbs covered in dark chocolate. Didn't taste the salt & the only way you really got the breadcrumbs was in the crunch of the chocolate. The dark chocolate was good.

Sprinkle Dreams was a good one. It had pieces of waffle cone & lots of sprinkles in milk chocolate. The waffle cone gave the chocolate a bit of a crunch and you could taste it, along with the sprinkles.

The Spicy Maya was the 2nd to last one that I tried. It was dark chocolate mixed with cinnamon, pasilla chile, and cayenne.  Wow, that one was intense. It started with a flavor of eating redhots and dark chocolate, followed by a smoky flavor, and then heat.

The last one was Mintfully Brownie. That one was also made of dark chocolate with crispy brownie pieces & what was described as frosted mint gems. Couldn't taste the brownie pieces but the mint gems were very crunchy candy bits. It tasted a lot like a peppermint patty.

I enjoyed trying all the flavors but I admit that my favorites were the Spicy Maya and the Firecracker. Never thought that I would like spicy chocolate but it turns out that it is a very pleasing flavor combination.