Tuesday, December 13, 2016

And Now the Weather Forcast...

Doing crosswalk duty, especially in the morning, give you a lot of time to think.  No while I could be trying to think up solutions to different problems plaguing the world today, I end up coming up with a possible, and much more amusing, way of telling yo how cold it is outside.

This whole negative temperatures and wind chill factors doesn't really seem to get across to the general public of how really cold it is outside during these Midwest winters.  You could say that it is 10 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill factor of -7 but does that truly tell you how cold it it outside?  I've got a much better way.  Consider a system that tells you what body parts could go numb, freeze or just plain fall off if you were brave enough to step out your front door into winter's chilly grip.  It could go something like this:

Nose hairs will freeze in your nose
Boogersicles (booger icicles) will have from your nostrils.
Nipples will be permanently erect no matter what you are wearing.
Nose has fallen off your face.
Balls will freeze to your thighs.
Balls can now be used as ice cubes in your soda as they now have frozen off your body.

This is just a sample.  It can be expanded to help people better understand how truly cold it is outside.  Think of the lives that it could save